I've been stationary in Florida for a while, a bout of illness and some indecision about what to do next has had me sidelined for a while. I had totally planned to do Quartzsite this year but I just couldn't face that 2000 mile drive again so soon. Then I decided perhaps I'd do the east coast this year. See some of Florida, visit my friend in Charleston, hit the Outer Banks, and maybe sell my property in PA. Then maybe head up through Maine to Canada. However, the West is still calling me and the East Coast Plan feels more like work. In some respects it is work. Florida in the winter is a pain in the ass, snowbirds make their reservations a year in advance, and I have trouble with a week in advance. There's little good boondocking on the east coast and the lack of consistent sun makes solar a challenge. On that note, the shitty weather here in Florida is really getting me down. Yet another downpour day again today. The forecasters here are the worst. Two days ago it was supposed to be 70's and sunny, today it was 2" of rain. However, Saturday is supposed to be a low of 29 and 30 mph winds and I guarantee it will be spot on. So it's time to head west to wide open spaces and blue skies and dry towels.
I'm still stressing over the bike rack. I love the bike but the bike rack......I'm just not happy with the stability. And the bike is so heavy....Maybe I should have gone with a lightweight folder. :-( I'm supposed to head up to Three Rivers tomorrow for 3 nights. Of course the weather is supposed to be miserable, I guess I'll still go.