Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Brookings to Crescent City

I was still unsure what route I was taking, but either way, I had to head south to Crescent City. I went through that Agriculture checkpoint which pisses me off.......California gets BILLIONS of containers from all over the world loaded with all sort of pests and they feel the need to harass motorists and take their oranges. Which probably came in to LA on one of those containers. Stupid.

I decided to take the road through the Redwoods to Grant's Pass.  Well, I changed my mind on that one quickly. After 4 harrowing miles of crazy curves, drop offs, and bicyclists everywhere I said screw that and started looking for a place to turn around. A scenic route isn't actually scenic when you're white knuckled and eyes glued to the road.

I had a backup spot in mind for the night, I had read reviews of Elk Valley Casino and that it was scenic with elk wandering through the parking lot. Well....I didn't see any elk. And little scenery.  But I was not in the mood to go searching for somewhere else so I went in and registered with the guard. He told me to park in the gravel lot off to the side and I was good for 2 nights. I told him I'd only need one. I was starving and headed over to the restaurant.  I did a quick u-turn when I saw it wasn't completely closed off from the smoky casino and decided to go for a ride. I headed to the oceanfront and had some dinner at the Fishermen's Restaurant. It was pretty good. I wandered around a bit, saw a cool folk art place but it was closed. Headed back to the casino and had a quiet night.

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