On previous cruises I had often felt like I had to be one of the first ones on the ship. Carnival even offers priority boarding & some other perks for $50. I decided not to bother....after all, did I *really* need an extra hour at the buffet trough? :-) Turned out to be a good decision, the ship was late, so I woulda paid $50 to be on 15 minutes sooner.
2/23/2014 12:29:54 PM
I headed straight to my cabin to see if it was ready, and it was. Dropped my carry-on & went up one deck to the Lido deck for lunch.

2/23/2014 2:32:28 PM

2/23/2014 2:33:15 PM

2/23/2014 2:51:36 PM
The ship sailed an hour late. I was sad as I'd been looking forward to seeing a little of the Bay scenery.

2/23/2014 6:15:19 PM

2/23/2014 6:16:52 PM
Everyone seemed to think it was too cold. :-)

2/23/2014 6:17:33 PM

2/23/2014 6:20:00 PM

2/23/2014 6:21:34 PM

2/23/2014 6:38:10 PM
David's Steakhouse

2/23/2014 6:40:16 PM
David's Steakhouse

2/23/2014 6:40:25 PM
David's Steakhouse Chef's amuse bouche

2/23/2014 6:53:23 PM
Crabcake appetizer

2/23/2014 7:00:50 PM
Crabcake appetizer

2/23/2014 7:00:54 PM
Tomato Gorgonzola salad

2/23/2014 7:10:47 PM
Grilled Lobster. Dining at David's was an add'l $35 charge, well worth it.

2/23/2014 7:39:24 PM
Chocolate sampler dessert. Oh, and a little coffee drink. :-)

2/23/2014 8:27:12 PM
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