I brought along this gorgeous batik that KG gave me to jazz up my cabin.

2/25/2014 10:30:27 AM
I ordered room service breakfast the night before and it was delivered in the morning. Bagel with cream cheese, smoked salmon with tomatoes, onions, capers, lettuce & lemon, and ctrus sections. With coffee. It was a great breakfast. I'm picky about smoked salmon, but this was good.

2/25/2014 10:30:53 AM
Reading the list of the day's activities I saw there was a wine and food pairing talk at David's. I thought that might be interesting. I called my new friend Karen & left a message but she didn't get it in time.
Getting ready for the wine tasting.

2/25/2014 11:51:45 AM

2/25/2014 11:59:36 AM
We had 5 wines to try. I really liked the Mirassou Pinot Noir and the KJ Chardonnay. Did not care for the Oyster Bay SB. The Funf & the Cabernet were middle-of-the-road.

2/25/2014 12:00:10 PM
Our little plate of tasting items. A slice of apple, lemon amd lime, a little brie, strwberry & orange marmalade, and a cube of filet and salmon. Haris, our sommelier, would tell us about each wine and instruct us to try various tastes with each to see which went well and which didn't. Very cool.

2/25/2014 12:08:53 PM
Haris explaining the role of a sommelier. He was very engaging and entertaining.

2/25/2014 12:10:27 PM
Some more tables at David's.

2/25/2014 1:22:43 PM
I kept taking pictures of this as I loved it so.

2/25/2014 1:23:09 PM
Statue of David

2/25/2014 1:28:10 PM
Afterwards I wandered around the ship a bit, but quickly decided to grab some lunch.
Thankfully this didn't see any use on our cruise.

2/25/2014 1:30:38 PM
Stern of the ship

2/25/2014 1:31:03 PM
My room was under this deck. Don't ever get a cabin under the Lido deck. Chair scraping noise was horrible.

2/25/2014 2:17:48 PM
I picked up some lunch on the Lido deck and scored a window table. Ahhhhh...........

2/25/2014 2:29:53 PM
I went back to the cabin, read & tried to nap. The deck noise was rising with the temps and I was starting of thinking of asking to move. I *really* did not feel like doing that however.
Incredible sunset.

2/25/2014 6:12:09 PM

2/25/2014 6:14:14 PM

2/25/2014 6:16:10 PM
Brinno TLC cam set up.

2/25/2014 6:44:28 PM
Dancing waiters in the Normandie Dining room

2/25/2014 9:13:55 PM
King sized bed with towel stingray. There was enough room under the beds to easily stow my suitcases. I've never seen so much storage on a cruise ship.

2/25/2014 10:08:58 PM
Stingray. Taken with the crappy Coolpix

2/25/2014 10:09:08 PM
Around 12:30am the noise from the deck above got to be too much. I recorded some of it then went storming up there. Thankfully I couldn't figure out exactly where it was coming from as I was probably going to tell them "A little more lift and a little less drag please!!!" I decided to ask to move in the morning.
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