Arriving in Cape Canaveral on a sunny day.

2/26/2014 8:31:47 AM
I decided not to stay on the ship all day and headed down to the Shore Excursions desk to buy a ticket for the afternoon Airboat tour.

2/26/2014 9:31:10 AM
While I was down there I went to Guest Services to ask about moving. The gal at the desk told me there were no cabins available. She asked what the problem was and I told her about the noise. She was a good actress as she put on a convincing performance that she'd never heard such a thing before. She asked had I called and I replied that I hadn't. She said, "Call us next time" I said, "For what?? What are you gonna do, tell folks "Don't eat here??" She reiterated that I should call and I left feeling aggravated. I didn't actually WANT to move. I had 3 suitcases full of crap and I wasn't thrilled with moving but I asked as I knew I'd just more aggravated with the noise as the cruise went on. :-(
I went up to the Lido Deck and grabbed some breakfast. I hadn't been able to order it as my room service card hadn't been replaced. Truthfully, my steward wasn't the best. I didn't have a Do Not Disturb sign, and I finally had to ask him for one since he kept trying to get in while I was in there. On previous cruises my steward had an uncanny knack of knowing when I left. Not this one. Ah well.
I killed a little time before my tour by wandering around the ship some more.
The Sports Bar

2/26/2014 12:37:51 PM
Sports Bar

2/26/2014 12:39:57 PM

2/26/2014 12:40:31 PM
The casino was closed in port of course. It has a horse-racing theme....note the horse reliefs on the ceiling & the horseshoe carpet. My stepfather loves these claw grab machines....wonder if he could beat the house here?

2/26/2014 12:42:48 PM
On my way to the tour I stopped by the Starry Night Lounge which I hadn't seen before.

2/26/2014 12:43:59 PM
Starry Night Lounge. Gorgeous!

2/26/2014 12:44:43 PM
Starry Night Lounge. Gorgeous!

2/26/2014 12:45:00 PM
I boarded the bus for the excursion. Tim & Judy from brunch the other day had said they were doing this tour but they weren't on it.
Snap shot of the boat from the bus window.

2/26/2014 1:39:25 PM
Ibis at Lone Cabbage Fish Camp

2/26/2014 2:06:55 PM
Yuck. Fire ants.

2/26/2014 2:15:15 PM
Bald eagles on power poles in Port Canaveral.

2/26/2014 2:28:02 PM
Bald eagles on electrical lines near Cocoa Beach

2/26/2014 2:28:14 PM
We were kinda rushed from the bus onto the airboats as more rain was coming. The weather was pretty iffy, it had poured earlier. They said the gators don't like the rain so we didn't see many. The ones we DID see were impressive.

2/26/2014 2:32:51 PM
Huge gator we saw on the airboat ride.

2/26/2014 2:33:17 PM

2/26/2014 2:33:52 PM

2/26/2014 2:37:26 PM
So surreal to see all the cattle in a swamp.

2/26/2014 2:42:57 PM
A flock of seagulls

2/26/2014 2:46:53 PM

2/26/2014 2:46:55 PM
Wasn't really expecting to see these guys in the swamp.

2/26/2014 2:48:19 PM
I see you....

2/26/2014 2:55:47 PM
I have to say, these were some kick-ass boats.

2/26/2014 2:56:14 PM

2/26/2014 2:57:55 PM

2/26/2014 2:58:07 PM

2/26/2014 3:26:03 PM
We got off the boats and headed into the restaurant. We had tickets for one free non-alcoholic drink and then they brought out platters of fried gator. It was pretty good, especially since I missed lunch.
Fried alligator snack.

2/26/2014 2:31:30 PM
After we ate we gathered to see a presentation by the Care Foundation. The had several rescued animals with them, a monkey, a snake, an alligator and an opossum.

2/26/2014 3:26:46 PM
Blondie the albino Burmese python.

2/26/2014 3:27:44 PM
Opie the possum.

2/26/2014 3:32:21 PM
Never, ever, in a million years did I think I'd ever call an oppossum "cute". It LOVED to cuddle. When I was holding him I thought he would be purrring if he could.

2/26/2014 3:36:00 PM
Rosie the Capuchin monkey

2/26/2014 3:37:29 PM

2/26/2014 3:40:01 PM

2/26/2014 3:47:04 PM
Brutus is a runt, they believe he's 17 yrs old.

2/26/2014 3:47:21 PM
Showing off the business end of the gator

2/26/2014 3:55:54 PM

2/26/2014 4:01:00 PM
Holding Opie the possum.

2/26/2014 4:02:09 PM

2/26/2014 4:05:38 PM
Apparently it was getting windy :-)

2/26/2014 4:05:55 PM

2/26/2014 4:08:32 PM

2/26/2014 4:10:19 PM
Shot from the bus, the white on that island is birds. Lots of birds.

2/26/2014 4:27:24 PM

2/26/2014 4:31:03 PM

2/26/2014 4:42:26 PM
Pulling away from the dock in Port Canaveral

2/26/2014 6:24:40 PM
Beautiful view pulling out of Port Canaveral.

2/26/2014 6:32:07 PM
I have no idea what this building was but it's very cool.

2/26/2014 6:32:44 PM
A friend advises me this is supposed to look like a pineapple. Nope, not seeing it. :-)

2/26/2014 6:34:45 PM
Leaving Port Canaveral

2/26/2014 6:36:38 PM
I would like to stay in this RV park in Cocoa Beach!

2/26/2014 6:44:56 PM

2/26/2014 6:46:32 PM

2/26/2014 6:48:00 PM

2/26/2014 6:58:41 PM

2/26/2014 9:12:21 PM

2/26/2014 10:22:55 PM
I broght some LED lights since no candles were allowed.

2/26/2014 10:23:05 PM
Winds were @50 kts so they closed all the decks. Never saw that before. Capt. said they encountered 100kt gusts near Cape Fear in Jan.....not 100% sure I believed that! :-)

2/26/2014 11:18:00 PM
When I got back from dinner I was astonished to find a letter in my mailbox telling cabin 7242 was available if I'd care to move. I was shocked that they'd followed up on that and wondered what had happened to open up a cabin. Did someone leave in disgust? Die? Miss the boat? Inquiring minds want to know. In any event I started packing.
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