Saturday, September 12, 2015

Waldport to Gold Beach

It was another foggy day so I didn't do too many stops. That stretch of 101 south of Yachats is pretty harrowing.  I was starving but kept passing up restaurants hoping to stop at abandon Face Rock Creamery. Well, I never saw it.  :-(  I finally stopped in Port Orford at the Crazy Norwegian. It sucked. :-( Gluey chowder and soggy, oily fish. :-(  What a disappointment.  I walked around a bit and enjoyed the fabulous view.  I headed off to Gold Beach after about an hour's relaxing.  I stopped at Jerry Rogue Jets first as I was thinking of doing a tour. I wasn't sure as it's long and expensive and I wasn't sure I was up for it. I moved the rv over to a nice waterfront spot across the street from an rv park. I discovered I could get their wifi, so it became a 3 episode Longmire marathon.  :-)   By the time I was done, it was dark and really foggy.. I had planned to move across the river for the night as Gold Beach has an anti-rv parking ordinance. I really didn't feel like it though. Since there were no no-parking signs, I figured I'd risk it, especially since I planned to be up early to decide if I was doing a river trip.  


  1. I just remembered you had the blog. Came to check it out again. I'm all caught up, but now you're behind again. Oh well, you're a busy woman. The pics will show up one day too. I guess I'll have to keep checking every now and again. Back to FB.

  2. Yeah, I know. :-( It's tough.....I'm seldom round any wifi and when I have cell svc I end up checking wx, route planning, and reading FB. Sigh.....guess I'm not that good at this.
